
Monday, May 4, 2015

Scholastic Book Club Flyer (May 2015)

I've been busy! Writing like crazy. Planning a few events for the fall, including YA Fest and RWA NJ. Just trying to step back and enjoy things instead of constantly looking at the business end of things, which can really zap the creative energy. Don't get me wrong, being published is GREAT, but after some time of doing it, you start thinking "what'll sell? what'll sell? what'll sell?" and sometimes that overshadows writing what you love.

Anyway, this month, I noticed a small box on my doorstep, and what should be in it, but the audio books I'd been anticipating, PLUS more copies of DROWNED.  Paperback ones. I scratched my head. I didn't expect them, and especially didn't expect to see them with the bright red SCHOLASTIC name on them, since heck! I'm published by Harlequin! 

But then I realized it was all part of this:

And so now I am happy. And if you have a teen in your life, hey-- six bucks for a book. Gotta love Scholastic Book Clubs. :)