
Monday, May 21, 2012


Today, at the end of the Rochester Teen Book Festival and a two-month break from the insanity that is the internet, I have several realizations:
  1. The YA book-loving community is amazing.
  2. I love writing. I can't stop doing it. I will always doodle and come up with wild story ideas, because that is in my blood. Who I share those stories with is still undetermined.
  3. If you don't like me, my writing, or something I said, that's up to you. But that doesn't mean I should change. It means YOU should realize people have different opinions than your own, and go find something you DO like. And thank goodness we all like different things. Because if we were all the same, how boring would that be?
  4. Publishing and writing are two different things, and I can do one, or both. Or neither. And it's my choice.
  5. Any way you slice it, I am PROUD of what I have accomplished so far. There are many people who try, and few who succeed at what I've done. There will always be those who do it better. But I did it. And even if I never do it again, that's enough. I am satisfied.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Balog Bloggedy Blog Blah Blah Blah

I started blogging in 2005. If you'd like to read my old posts and find out about my path to publication, check out my old blog, over here.